20 km from the town of Estremoz, in the Alentejo region

In Sousel, in the Alentejo region.
In the district of Portalegre.
20 km from Estremoz, renowned for its gastronomy and market.
45 minutes from Évora, the capital of the Alentejo region.
2 hours from Lisbon and 45 minutes from the Spanish border.
Land/park/garden area : | 2 ha |
Main building surface area : | 1066 m² |
Floor surface area of the outbuildings : | 897 m² |
View over the countryside |
Our opinion
Owned by the same family for a century, this elegant house and its 2.45 ha (7.5 acre) parklands border a quiet street in the village of Cano, close to the market place. With its colourful neoclassical facade, topped by a small tower, the main edifice resembles a country palace. The entrance opens into a pleasant romantic patio with a fountain in the centre. The interior of the house offers ample living space, in a period bourgeois decor, painstakingly restored by its current owner. A striking marble staircase leads to the first floor, where the numerous bedrooms still feature hand-painted ceilings. With its outbuildings, the property would lend itself very well to a hotel project in a region valued for its historic remains and its gastronomy.
Reference 695968
Exclusive sale
650 000 €
More information
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NB: The above information is not only the result of our visit to the property; it is also based on information provided by the current owner. It is by no means comprehensive or strictly accurate especially where surface areas and construction dates are concerned. We cannot, therefore, be held liable for any misrepresentation.