Re-useUse of construction components taken from an older building.
Recumbent figureReclining statue representing the deceased, decorating a tomb.
RedoubtSmall self-contained fieldwork, a refuge for soldiers outside the main defenses.
RefectoryCommunal dining hall; A dining room in a monastery.
RefectoryThe dining hall of a monastery.
Relieving archA supportive arch constructed within a wall to absorb weight upon a passageway or portal below.
Renaissance-styleStyle of the era following that of the gothic period (16th century).
Rib vaultA framework of diagonal arched ribs carrying the cells which cover in the spaces between them.
RingRow of quoins forming an arch.
RomanFirst applied by critics in the early nineteenth century to describe the architecture of the later eleventh and the twelfth centuries, because certain architectural elements, principally the round arch, resembled those of ancient Roman architecture.
RotundaA building or room of circular plan, usually domed.
Rough-hewnFormed roughly by trimming with straight cuts to give the required shape .