TemperaPainting technique using powdered pigments.
Tie beamThe horizontal transverse beam in a roof, tying together the feet of the rafters to counteract the thrust.
TierceronAdditional rib in an arch which does not join the main arch keystone; exists in Gothic and Renaissance styles
TorusA convex molding that is a semi-circle or semi-ellipse.
TranseptThe part of a cruciform church with an axis that crosses the main axis at right angles.
transept crossingThe area where the nave and choir intercept with the transepts.
Transition ( style)Style of the period marking the end of the Roman era and the beginnings of Gothic art.
Transverse vaultBarrel arch perpendicular to the building axis.
Triangular archPointed arch formed by two segments of a circle intersecting one another at a certain angle.
Triangular vaultTriangular arch-shaped vault.
TribuneVaulted gallery above the aisles or the narthex with arched mouldings that open on to the nave.
TriforiumA narrow passage in the thickness of the wall with arches opening onto the nave.
TurretA small, skinny tower usually at the corner of a building.
TympanumThe section atop the Lintel of a portal or doorway, enclosed by an arch, often featuring significant sculpture work.